The lopsided JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH makes for a near-miss
Perhaps the final awards player this season, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH, has arrived. Does it close out the Oscar race in grand fashion?
Perhaps the final awards player this season, JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH, has arrived. Does it close out the Oscar race in grand fashion?
The year’s best film wins our top prize, can’t beat that!
The new Denzel Washington starring crime thriller is so overly familiar you may think you’ve seen it before, quite a few times in fact.
Does the highly anticipated Marvel Studios streaming series live up to expectations? Read our review to find out.
Regina King makes her directorial debut in solidly entertaining, if not always spectacular, fashion in ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI
The great recession of 2008 was a defining moment of my own generation, and particularly for those who found themselves stepping out of college into a workforce where there simply wasn’t enough gainful employment to be had. 12 years later, the long-term effects of this have really only begun to …
David Fincher’s long-awaited new feature, MANK, stylishly centers on the largely untold story of the co-screenwriter of CITIZEN KANE
An admirable effort that attempts to skirt its narrative shortcomings through waning technical ambition
The latest Blumhouse effort is a throwback to the horror comedies of yesteryear. Sadly, it can’t quite live up to its great premise.
Borat returns, and has his sights set on the Trump administration, in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm. How’s it stack up?
Possessor marks a startling step-forward for Brandon Cronenberg.
Blumhouse, the sort of oasis in the perpetual wasteland that is moderate to bigger budget horror, is now expanding its empire into the auspices of a streaming partnership. Having found a new collaborator in Amazon, “Welcome To The Blumhouse” is a series of films being released over time by a …
Riding in the background, or perhaps its even in the foreground depending upon your political persuasions, in Aaron Sorkin‘s latest is an element of timeliness. It shouldn’t be lost on any viewer that a film about a group of activists being put on trial by a corrupt administration, and aided …
The latest blockbuster effort from Christopher Nolan falls a bit short
The latest effort from Charlie Kaufman is a perfect counterpoint for Synecdoche, New York